Web Banners


Inspiration for this project came from old punk rock posters. These were printed in black and white and featured Dada style collage, and ransom note typography. The first draft of the first banner managed to capture the spirit that was being aimed for perfectly, and thusly did not require a lot of changing. Considering that these banners would be used as web ads, they had to work at several very specific sizes. Although this required a little finessing to get just right, using only a few elements that appeared to be made of torn up paper, it became very simple to make the composition work on horizontal, vertical, and square compositions.

Color Mini Site


This project is the end result of an assignment that meant to teach us about color schemes and color theory. The banner on the homepage features several insects using the colors from the chosen schemes. I thought this was a neat way to showcase the colors because there are a lot of colorful critters in the world, and I really REALLY love bugs. The background of the site is made up of a gradient between the average blurred colors from the color schemes, and a slightly lighter version of the same color so that the page wouldn’t appear as bland or flat. The colors themselves came from a whole range of inspiration, such as a retro arcade machine, or the split complementary based on my favorite football team’s colors.