

Vernon Burnett is a freelance graphic designer, student, and pizza enthusiast. He is a big fan of Philadelphia sports teams. Having been born and raised in Germany, he tries to always emphasis efficiency and functionality. Despite this he says he is heavily inspired by the chaotic nature of music genres such as punk rock or heavy metal, and art styles or movements such as Dada and Surrealism. Vernon’s love for design came from wanting to pursue his childhood dreams of doing something visually creative professionally. After realising animation wasn’t as fun as it sounded, he took an intro to design class, and found his calling. Everyday he looks for new skills to learn and read about to keep his creative muscle flexed.

Design Philosophy


According to Vernon, your grid is the single most powerful tool in a designers arsenal. A designers job is first and foremost to present information. It is not possible to do this well if there is no sense of organization or hierarchy. The grid can act as a skeleton that helps guide the viewer's eye through all visual information, as well as keep consistency through multiple pages regardless if it is for web or editorial. The important thing to remember about tools is to use the right one for the job. The same way that you wouldn’t use a screwdriver to hammer in a nail, you wouldn’t use a strict and rigid modular grid if you goal was to create as loose and organic natural composition.