

is a freelance designer, dog walker, and former Northern Virginia Community College (NVCC) student. He was born in Kaiserslautern Germany, where he grew up speaking two languages. Three if you include communicating through visual art. In his freetime, Vernon can be found drawing, playing guitar, cuddling his pet cat, or watching a science documentary. He is always looking for new ways to make things and express himself creatively. As a child any time he was asked “What do you want to be when you grow up” his answer would always be an enthusiastic “ARTIST!” and that creative spirit never went away, so when applying to go to college he wanted nothing more than to study design.

Before attending NVCC, he was a graphic communication major at the University of Maryland University College, and a Digital Media Arts major at Glendale Community College in Arizona, studying to get a formal education learning about his passion for visual communication and good design. Although he prefers to just go with the flow, Vernon plans to move to the city and work as a graphic designer. He would love to be working professionally in a studio, while continuing to do freelance work on the side. He also wants to get thirty dogs, which may or may not be a joke.